
Honda Civic, Stand Up Against High Gas Prices

Everyone understands that with gas prices topping $3 or $4 per gallon, monthly gas prices can be more than a car payment. We recommend everyone buy a honda civic. We have realized that a low cost, attractive and reliable vehicle is needed to offset the new inflated gas costs in our economy. Studies have shown that driving a honda civic can save thousands of dollars over the life span of a vehicle for gas, maintenance as well as overall vehicle cost. The Honda Civic is absolutely a great choice.When shopping for a honda civic you must take a few things in to consideration. You must research out the invoice pricing, this can be done easily online. You must also decide what options you want and need. With an Estimated 34 highway miles per gallon you are sure to save money.

Lets say you currently drive a dodge ram truck that gets an average of 13 miles per gallon. However you could drive a honda civic with an average 29 miles per gallon. If you drove the average 16,000 miles per year you would save an amazing amount. With the honda you would buy 551 gallons of gas in one year. Now lets consider you drove the truck, you would buy 1230 gallons in a year. Lets take that in to consideration when paying $3.50 per gallon. You are buying an extra 679 gallons of gas per year. With the Dodge Ram you would be spending an extra $2376 per year on fuel, that is an extra $200 per month. Then take in to consideration insurance expenses, lower prices to wash your vehicle, maintain your vehicle, and less repair costs from a more reliable vehicle.

You could literally save 20-30 thousand dollars over the life span of your vehicle over a 7-10 year period.Its really time to take these huge prices in to consideration so you can start saving money on your vehicle expenses. There are obviously other great vehicles on the market as well. Shop around and be savvy. Research out your overall expenses and put some money back in your own pocket. Studies have shown that the Honda Civic outperforms most all vehicles in being affordable and reliable. You need to buy a vehicle that will lower monthly expenses and also lower large costs that can arise from a poorly functioning vehicle. We believe that the Honda Civic meets and exceeds both of these requirements.

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