
Synthetic Oil Helps Gas Mileage Improve

Most people aren't really aware of the differences between synthetic oil and regular oil beyond the higher price for the former. When browsing the racks in the automotive aisle of the local big box or automotive supply store, many drivers simply equate the greater price for synthetic with it being a product for car enthusiasts or performance nuts. It is rare to find the average motorist who is fully aware of the benefits of synthetic oil when it comes to every day use in the family car, truck or van. Synthetic oil is preferred by race teams and sports car owners, yes, but that is far from the only advantage that this type of oil offers. Users of synthetic lubricant in any type of vehicle can see gas mileage improve significantly when compared with regular oil changes using petroleum-based lubricants.
How does synthetic make such a difference? It has to do with the way that the oil is created. Unlike petroleum oils, which are refined from crude oil which comes out of the ground, synthetic oil is engineered in a laboratory in order to meet very specific requirements. By starting from scratch instead of refining a natural product, scientists are able to create an oil wherein each molecule is of a uniform size. These identically-sized oil molecules have a much easier time moving through an engine and coating all of the surfaces that need to be protected, greatly reducing the resistance encountered by internal components moving through the oil itself. This decreased resistance leads to an increase in overall efficiency, making gas mileage improve and keeping power at a healthy level.
These specially engineered molecules also have unique heat-resistant properties not found in petroleum oils. By using a combination of additives, synthetic oils are far more resistance to heat and cold, meaning that they maintain the same level of protection no matter what temperature is found inside an engine. This helps a vehicle operate at maximum efficiency even in demanding situations, keeping fuel use lower than it would be if petroleum oil were to be used instead. Not only is fuel economy improved under these circumstances, but the engine is better protected from friction and heat.
Synthetic oil might seem expensive, but the money that is saved in fuel costs can quickly add up. The initial investment that is made in the oil itself will be repaid many times over when it comes to extending the life of a vehicle - and extending the period between trips to the fuel pump.

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