
Advantages With Automotive Burglar Alarm Systems

The car is most probably the second most important asset of anybody, next to a house. Therefore, it is important that we give importance to its protection and security.
Automotives have been a natural target for burglars. They cost a lot of money, can easily be stolen and transported and may relatively be easy to resell.
Statistics show that 1 out 4 reported crimes are automotive-related. Out of all automotive crimes, 40% occur on the road just outside the house while 30% occur in public places, most often in parks. 40% of these stolen automotives are never recovered by the owners.
Most at risk are older car. New cars already come with appropriate automotive burglar alarm systems. Therefore, it is no wonder that more incidents of burglary occur on older automotives, accounting for almost 80% of all automotive-related crimes.

Due to these statistics, more and more people have realized the necessity of investing in car security measures. Majority of these people will not think twice in going for the more expensive automotive burglar alarm systems.
A less expensive security measure is with the use of steering bars or locks. However, these do not offer enough protection as these may be sawed off by determined and experienced burglars. The steering wheel can also be bent forcibly, making the steering bars or lock easily removable.
To provide more protection, a reliable car security alarm system should be installed. Millions of people have invested in expensive but sophisticated automotive burglar alarm systems. Why not? These have been proven effective in preventing automotive theft or stealing of valuable possessions left inside the vehicle.
How does an automotive alarm system work? Simply put, this is device with a bunch of sensors connected to an alarm. In its simplest form, the switch is placed on the driver's door, which is then wired to an alarm. When the door is opened, the alarm then goes off.
The automotive burglar alarm systems nowadays are more complicated than this. Aside from simple sensors, they now include switches and even detect movement. This motion detector is why we often encounter alarms going off with just the slightest movement or with nearby noise. The type of alarm can also be chosen such that the sound is distinct and can easily be recognized by the owner even from afar. Modern automotive burglar alarm systems can also be wireless and can be controlled remotely and can also have a supplementary battery such that it still works even if main battery fails. All of these added features come with a price, but it is all worth it considering the added security and protection for a prized possession.
With the high incidence of car-related crimes, it is definitely worth the investment on modern automotive burglar alarm systems.

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