
Catalytic Converter's Cleaner Act

Better engine strength does not mean more fuel to burn because if that is the case, just imagine the potential air pollution from the millions of cars on the road–worldwide. With this recurring predicament at hand, car manufacturers, including Volvo and Audi, continue to innovate means that will help lessen the discharge of noxious gases of vehicles. The Volvo Catalytic Converter along Audi Catalytic Converter were designed to help reduce a vehicle's emission further. Lawmakers and automakers alike thought of means to solve this environmental problem. The former would create clean air laws, while the latter made some tweaking and refinements to their car engines and fuel systems. The Volvo Catalytic Converter treats the exhaust before it leaves the car and lessens the amount of pollution produced. Modern cars are now designed to help solve this environmental issue. The players in the automobile industry have manufactured a vehicle's engine to carefully control the amount of fuel it burns. Not only does it save on the fuel, but also is friendlier to the environment.
Keeping the air and fuel ratio very close or keeping them at the stoichiometric point is a primary task of an Audi Catalytic Converter. All the fuel will be burned using all of the oxygen in the air. The fuel mixture also depends on the ideal ratio needed during actual driving of the vehicle. There are times when the mixture can be lean which is higher than 14.7 pounds of air and other times when the mixture can be rich which means a lower ration than 14.7 pounds of air. Of the three emissions from a vehicle (Nitrogen gas, Carbon dioxide, and water vapor ) Carbon dioxide is believed to contribute much to global warming.

Maintenance of catalytic converter, however, is often a major problem. An effective Audi Catalytic Converter's function can be weakened by the activity or process itself due to two causes: poisoning of the active site by contaminants and exposure to excessively high temperatures. To maintain a catalytic converter's crisp condition, it is advisable to use lead-free fuel and also to follow proper engine maintenance procedures.

For 80 years and counting, Volvo continues to be an advocate of innovation without sacrificing the environmental issues. Aside from the Volvo Catalytic Converter that Volvo Cars offer, the company has also adopted the environmental policy since 1945. Volvo has introduced life cycle assessment and calculation of the impact of each vehicle make using the EPS or Environmental Priority Strategies in car design. Like Volvo Cars, Audi is a car company that also has an outstanding regard to the environmental. Audi's innovative technology does not take for granted the environmental protection, but at the same time do not forfeit performance, comfort, and safety of its patronizers. Catalytic converters may have different brands, but they all have the same cleaner act.

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