
Change Car Air Filters

It may seem silly, but changing your car filters on a regular basis can have a significant impact on engine life and performance.
Here in Los Angeles, where we have our editorial offices, the premises have a saying: "Never breathe air you can not see." While the editors of Edmunds.com, a daily walk through this slump of particulates and CO2 emissions in the suction and nitrous oxide, our cars have the advantage of air filtration.

There is something wrong with this picture? Should we will not be the most masks on their faces and a program of regular maintenance to change the filter?
But nooooo. We are too busy driving cars of the press, taking notes, shooting pictures, opening doors, hoods hack, racing through the feet, agreeing to come here-looking marriageable young actresses that I think actually own these vehicles, taking more notes, running to the car wash, dashing across town in late press conference, attending racing school ... aaargh!
And that's not the middle of it. As such water. We are actually supposed to drink these things? THE tap water has the consistency of Quaker State; looks like scum swamp. Where is our water filter? Can not we have a cup of nature without the best things floating in it? After all, our cars have fuel filters, have a system to eliminate noxious particles. Where's ours?
Well, as you can see, anything that takes in fluids or air this means, whether man or machine, there should be a way of separating the good from the bad, taking only the benefits that the mechanism and leaving the rest behind.
Our cars. They are called filters - namely, air filters and fuel filters. True, which require regular care, however, this is one of the simplest and least expensive - and most important - maintenance procedures you can perform to his car.
What we'd like to do in this month's column How is that you walk through a filter change base. It is not going to take time, saves money, and sends his car on the road fresh and renewed. A clogged air filter or fuel can cause poor performance, cost to the fuel pump, and shorten engine life. This simple procedure against the guards.
How often should you do this? A good rule of thumb is once or twice a year, or about once every 12000 miles.
Change the air filter
At least, learn to change their own air filter. It's quick and easy and saves money.
How so? Well, I think: When was the last time they went to Quick Lube-N-Tune took place on mechanical and hit him with "Hey Bud, you need a new air filter." After you wink and see how it adds to the bill. How much? $ 7.99? $ 9.99? $ 12.99? Heck, even we have seen $ 14.99.
There is an old joke about the creation of the universe with the punch line: "Well, somebody had to pay retail." Maybe so. But not necessarily.
One of our jobs here at Edmunds.com is to empower you. Do not let them stick to you. Learn to say "no" - there is no law against it. Simply say, "I'm going through now," or "Thank you, I will see it," and go home after the oil change and carry out this procedure you - if, indeed, really needs to be done.
First, park your car in the shade and pop the hood. Prop up to what you do not hit in the head, and then let the engine cool for a few minutes.
While cooling, to be their tools. You will need very few for this procedure - you can probably do it with a butter knife. If by hand, however, seizing two medium-sized screwdrivers, one standard and one Phillips, and head back to the car.
The air filter is usually enclosed in a black plastic casing near the center of the top engine (sometimes, especially in large vehicles, were out on the side). Must be the largest metal can not see the assembly, the size of a breadbox. Encounter? Good. Now, open it.
How? Well, most of them are kept together by a pair of large metal clips on the side. Slide the butter knife or flat-headed screwdriver between the casing and the clip and pry the shell open. Sometimes you find that was held together with several long screws, in which case you'll have to unscrew to get into the filter. (Many of the older cars used a bottle of cleaner air held within a circular black. It's like a giant donut that is at the top direct-center engine.)
Anyway, crack open. You will find the air filter inside. It is usually bright yellow or orange or red, the better to see the collection of dirt.
Pull it out. It is generally flat, elongated, usually about a foot long and six inches wide by two inches high. It is made of strands of paper with rubber edges along the bottom to seal against the deck.
Now, let's check for cleaning. Keep it up. Bend back, so the role of mountain ranges as the filter flutter the pages of a book, and look inside the cracks. Do you see a lot of accumulated dirt and grime? Now will be held at arms length and look straight ahead. It is the dirty orange or yellow paper mainly in the center? If so, we will replace it. Not much - just the replacement costs about five dollars. Remember that $ 14.99 price Quik-Lube place? This is where you get even.
Close the case. Then put the old air filter in a plastic bag from the supermarket. You will want to bring with you to compare the old with new and sure to get the right replacement, so throw in the car and go cleaning.
Incidentally, it's okay to drive a car short distances without an air filter (something you can not do and who lacks a filter fuel).
This is what you need to buy at the store auto parts:
* New air filter * New fuel filter * The new board (s) for the fuel filter - which usually come with, but ask
When you return, go ahead and install the new air filter. Seal and until it has finished.
Replacing the fuel filter
This is a bit more problematic procedure, since the pursuit of thing can be half the battle. It is usually located near the university engine near the air filter, although sometimes with more modern cars, is actually incorporated into the fuel tank and is a job best suited to your mechanic.
First, if the value of his life, the extinction of any material smoking while doing this procedure.
Secondly, for better access, remove any oversized, plastic coverings at the top of the engine. They usually come with a wide flat head.
Now looking for the fuel line, coming from the rear of the car. It is more or less the same diameter as a finger-thick, and be soft and pliant, not a tree Carbide. It enters the fuel filter on the back of the vehicle.
Encounter? Well, now grab a couple of pencils # 2. You also need several different sizes of screwdrivers, both Phillips and flat head, and a small set of ratchet.
This is what we are going to do. When you work the line fuel filter free, you're going to jam the pen in the free end to keep gasoline from spreading throughout the engine (and yourself).
The line will usually be guaranteed to fuel the fuel filter with a little clip. The work is complemented with a screwdriver - usually a Phillips - and to stop difference with the stylus. (Sometimes you need an object larger diameter than a pencil. You need to be resourced here, we do not know what you have lying around in his junk drawer at home. One of the first pencils first grade is perfect .)
After you've connected the fuel line, you can set to work removing the fuel filter. It is typically guaranteed for the engine with a pair of small screws. Find the right size socket and remove the filter. It will have a hose coming from the other end (this goes for the engine) in order to eliminate this the same way as they did others, and connect with the rest of pencil.
Compare the new filter with the filter of age, and make sure the position in the same way, so that the fuel is flowing smoothly. Sometimes there is an arrow in the filter showing you that the direction of the flows of fuel.
Put the assembly together with the inverse of how you understand separation. Before doing so, however, take a quick look at the new filter.
You note that there are two metal (or plastic) comes from wells where the filter attach hoses. They have little nubs or ridges around the edges. Be sure to slide the engomado lines in the filter as in the past nubs as you can get.
Also, pay special attention to the clamps on each end of the filter. Position among nubs and the body of the filter. Then get snugged them good and tight (but not so tight as to strip the screw), to avoid leaks.
One last thing. If hoses are increasingly frayed and fragile, make a mental note to buy some new hoses next time you change the filter. If you're really bad, replace at this time.

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