
Car Maintenance Advice For Newbie

Everyone is keen, when they get their first car, to just jump in it and go. Surely all it takes is putting some petrol into the tank and going, right? However, there is a lot more involved in basic car maintenance besides fuelling up. Let us look briefly at some basic car maintenance guidance and advice for new drivers.

Monitoring your tyres is one of the most important steps associated with basic car maintenance. It is important to remember that your tyres are one of the most important parts on your car. By using a special air pressure gauge, you can monitor the air pressure in your tyres easily. Keeping the air pressure at the recommended poundage will help increase fuel efficiency, extend the life of your tyres, and help prevent tyre related accidents.In addition to checking the air pressure in your tyres, it is important to watch the tread, also.
Most tyres are now constructed to include a tread bar. When the tread bar is visible, it is time to replace your tyre.In order for your car to run properly, all of its belts must be in good, working order. Belts are often made of rubber, and rubber will perish. It is recommended that your belts be examined every 25,000 miles, and they should be replaced every 50,000 miles. Remember, it is much easier to check and replace your belts than it is to be stranded somewhere when they decide to break.Most cars have warning gauges, to let you know when you are low on fluids such as oil and coolant.
However, these gauges are not foolproof - they often fail. Because of this, it is important to manually check your fluid levels on a regular basis.Monitoring your oil level is simple. Be sure your car is parked on level ground, and allow the motor time to cool. Once your motor is cool, find the "dip stick". Once you find it, pull it out and wipe it down. Now you can get an accurate reading. Insert the dip stick back into its place, and pull it out once again. When you look at it, you will be able to see how much oil your car may or may not need.Checking your coolant is even easier. As with monitoring oil levels in your car, you must let your engine cool before you check your coolant.
If you open the lid while your motor is still hot, the coolant will shoot everywhere, and is likely to scald you. On most cars, it will not be necessary to remove your radiator cap in order to check your coolant. You will clearly be able to see if levels are between low and high.Maintaining your car might seem like a lot of work, but it is worth it in the end. Taking a few extra minutes to maintain your car can save you from having to make costly repairs.

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