
Free Safe Driving Tips

Use the signal lights. Keep track of traffic. Check the mirrors frequently. Look far down the road and keep your eyes moving to spot any problems before you reach them. Have a clear head while driving. Alcohol and other drugs can impair your driving skills. Have a good night’s rest and don’t drive for hours at a stretch without a break. If you are traveling on a highway don’t risk your safety and others who are with you. Just try other modes of transport like taxi cab or public transportation. Before taking any medications just read the labels. If on the label certain instructions are written as this medicine can cause certain drowsiness then don’t drive. Before taking these medications just consult the doctor that can I take any other medication so that it does not cause drowsiness.

Safety is always at the priority list before buying any vehicle. Air bags are mandatory in all the new cars. Look at even side impact bags in many new models as well. While buying a used car look it has air bag. Be a calm person while driving the car; don’t be in a hurry to reach your destination. If you ride faster, breaking all the signals there might be chance of meeting with an accident. If the signal shows red light it means stop, yellow means slow down, and green means you can move on. If you feel tired while driving just stop and let the other person drive. If you are alone, then just stop the car at a safe location and take a short nap or walk around for a few minutes. When you are driving on long trips, eat light as heavy meals can make you feel drowsy.
Always wear your safety belt. And also see that others have worn there safety belts. Before you start to drive, keep certain things on mind that are easy to reach like directions, map, and sunglasses etc. Always don’t talk while you are driving. Driving at night is more dangerous due to darkness. While driving at night, remember certain things like aim your headlights properly, prepare the car for night driving, clean taillights, headlights once in a week. Keep the headlights on low beams. Don’t overdrive the headlights. Don’t smoke while you drive. Smoke’s nicotine and carbon monoxide hamper night version. Always obey school zone speed limits and stop for school buses with flashing lights.
Always plan ahead. Allow no less than 2 seconds between vehicles during the daytime, 3 seconds at night, and 4 seconds during inclement weather such as during rain, snow, or icy conditions. Be especially cautious when approaching stop lights, intersections, and when changing lanes. Anticipate potentially hazardous situations that could cause the driver in front of you to stop suddenly.
If you do need to stop quickly, don't slam on the brakes; instead, use firm, even pressure. If your brakes lock, release the pedal and use a pumping action. However, if your car is equipped with an ABS braking system, never pump the brakes. Remember, too, that alcohol, some types of prescription drugs, fatigue, and your emotional state will affect your reaction time and could lengthen your stopping distance.

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