
Tips To Check Transmission Fluid

Of all of the necessary components needed to run a car, the transmission is by far one of the most important. It is where all of the gear shifting is done and this type of thing can be incredibly expensive to repair in the event that it becomes damaged. Transmission fluid needs to be checked regularly much the same way that oil needs to be. It is something that you don't want to forget about if you want to keep your car in the best running condition possible. Checking the transmission fluid is a vital part of car maintenance .Transmission fluid should be checked around every 25,000 miles or so. The fluid and the filter must be changed regularly so that they do not become dirty.

To neglect this could lead to contaminants building up in the fluid and that is not going to be good. You should never mess around when it comes to your transmission.Always pay attention to your car as you drive. When you get to know how it sounds when operating smoothly, you will know when something is wrong. If you know your car then a new or strange sound or feeling will not be missed by you. Pay attention so that you can assess any situations as they arise.If you feel that it is necessary or you have a mechanic recommend it, you can always have your transmission fluid flushed out.

This will help force out any dirt or grime that may be inside the fluid. Some mechanics recommend against a transmission flush so look into this before you make your choice so you can base it on information.It's not a good idea to let your vehicle sit for long periods of time. If it goes without proper service for too long there is a higher chance that you could have metal shavings or other problem items make their way inside. A transmission that is bogged down with metal and junk will need tremendous amounts of care to be in good running shape again.When you check your transmission fluid, always have your vehicle parked on level ground so that you get the right fluid amount. An angle could throw that off a lot and it is not something that you can guess at.

Leave the car idling as you check the fluid. This is one of those maintenance checks that require that the car be left on rather than turned off.Pull out the transmission dipstick and check what the reading says. If it doesn't quite reach the full line then it is low and needs to be topped up. Adding more transmission fluid is not really all that difficult but you must be careful not to add too much. If you do not feel comfortable doing this yourself, you can take it to your local mechanic to have it done. Before you add transmission fluid to your vehicle, make sure that it is the best possible one for your vehicle. Not every transmission is the same.

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