Cars aren't just about power nowadays, the luxuries of yesterday are suddenly becoming the necessities of today. Comfort, utility, and electronic "thingamajigs" are just some examples of such changes. Modern automotive pursuits have worked to improve the driving experience by enhancing comfort, ease of use and other nifty features with the help of advanced electronics, however, sometimes the solution can be as simple set of metal bars and the like.
Volvo transmission mounts as simple as they are, are quite effective in what they do. Namely, housing the the transmission of the car, a critical part in making the car run. It also serves to control the torque and vibration of the car, combined with the engine mount, making the ride a lot more comfortable.

Finally, the Volvo trans mounts (as it is more commonly called) secure the linkages and keep them properly aligned, forming rear support for the transmission assembly. Normally made of rubber and steel, with the latter being more practical due to its resistance to heat, certain chemicals and gases, a malfunctioning trans mount can be either be a minor nuisance (loss in the vehicle's power) or a major disaster (quickened decline in quality of of interconnected parts, almost always an expensive endeavor). Just like any product or object, the mount is expected to inevitably succumbed to wear and tear, as such, regular maintenance and routine checking should be kept in mind, as the alternative is not only a trait of irresponsibility as car owner but also financially burdening.
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